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Mutations of protocadherin 19 in female epilepsy (PCDH19-FE) lead to allopregnanolone deficiency.,
, Human molecular genetics, 2015 Jun 29, (2015)
Lamotrigine and seizure aggravation in severe myoclonic epilepsy.,
, Epilepsia, 1998 May, Volume 39, Issue 5, p.508-12, (1998)
Early-onset benign occipital seizure susceptibility syndrome.,
, Epilepsia, 1997 Mar, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.285-93, (1997)
Bilateral parasagittal parietooccipital polymicrogyria and epilepsy.,
, Annals of neurology, 1997 Jan, Volume 41, Issue 1, p.65-73, (1997)
Linkage and physical mapping of X-linked lissencephaly/SBH (XLIS): a gene causing neuronal migration defects in human brain.,
, Human molecular genetics, 1997 Apr, Volume 6, Issue 4, p.555-62, (1997)
Band heterotopia: correlation of outcome with magnetic resonance imaging parameters.,
, Annals of neurology, 1994 Oct, Volume 36, Issue 4, p.609-17, (1994)
Infantile spasms: an early epileptic manifestation in some patients with the congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome.,
, Journal of child neurology, 1994 Oct, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.420-3, (1994)
The epileptic spectrum in the congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome. CBPS Multicenter Collaborative Study.,
, Neurology, 1994 Mar, Volume 44, Issue 3 Pt 1, p.379-85, (1994)
Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome: study of 31 patients. The CBPS Multicenter Collaborative Study.,
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