Benign rolandic epilepsy

Benign rolandic epilepsy represents 8–23% of childhood epilepsies. Seizure onset is between 3 and 13 years. Prognosis is excellent with remission within adolescence. Typical seizures cause sleep arousal with lateralised facial contraction, anarthria, dribbling, and a grunting sound, without loss of consciousness. Sometimes the homolateral upper limb is involved. Secondary generalisation can supervene. Interictal EEG shows typical biphasic centro-temporal spikes, with a tangential dipolar distribution, which often become bilateral during sleep. The total number of seizures a child will have is variable but antiepileptic drugs treatment can often be avoided. Atypical EEG characteristics are not rare and are often associated with atonic seizures and a complicated evolution, including paradoxical aggravation  with carbamazepine  treatment.

If you have a child who you think may have this condition and you would like us to review the diagnosis or provide genetic testing please contact us at