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Early and effective treatment of KCNQ2 encephalopathy.,
, Epilepsia, 2015 May, Volume 56, Issue 5, p.685-91, (2015)
Mutations of protocadherin 19 in female epilepsy (PCDH19-FE) lead to allopregnanolone deficiency.,
, Human molecular genetics, 2015 Jun 29, (2015)
Familial periventricular nodular heterotopia, epilepsy and Melnick-Needles Syndrome caused by a single FLNA mutation with combined gain-of-function and loss-of-function effects.,
, Journal of medical genetics, 2015 Jun, Volume 52, Issue 6, p.405-12, (2015)
Ketamine in refractory convulsive status epilepticus in children avoids endotracheal intubation.,
, Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 2015 Jul 16, (2015)
Mitochondrial respiratory chain defects in skin fibroblasts from patients with Dravet syndrome.,
, Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2015 Jul 14, (2015)
Dysgraphia as a Mild Expression of Dystonia in Children with Absence Epilepsy.,
, PloS one, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 7, p.e0130883, (2015)
Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Neurodegenerative Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.,
, PloS one, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 7, p.e0131635, (2015)
Periventricular nodular heterotopia in Smith-Magenis syndrome.,
, American journal of medical genetics. Part A, 2014 Dec, Volume 164A, Issue 12, p.3142-7, (2014)
Contractions in the second polyA tract of ARX are rare, non-pathogenic polymorphisms.,
, American journal of medical genetics. Part A, 2010 Dec 10, (2010)
Effect of delta-opioid receptor agonist deltorphin on circulating concentrations of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in healthy fertile women.,
, Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 1998 May, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1159-62, (1998)
Lamotrigine and seizure aggravation in severe myoclonic epilepsy.,
, Epilepsia, 1998 May, Volume 39, Issue 5, p.508-12, (1998)
Paroxysmal tonic upgaze of childhood with ataxia: a benign transient dystonia with autosomal dominant inheritance.,
, Brain & development, 1998 Mar, Volume 20, Issue 2, p.116-8, (1998)
Myoclonic absence-like seizures and chromosome abnormality syndromes.,
, Epilepsia, 1998 Jun, Volume 39, Issue 6, p.660-3, (1998)
Reversible pseudoatrophy of the brain and mental deterioration associated with valproate treatment.,
, Epilepsia, 1998 Jan, Volume 39, Issue 1, p.27-32, (1998)
Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia with mental retardation and frontonasal malformation.,
, Neurology, 1998 Aug, Volume 51, Issue 2, p.499-503, (1998)
Human doublecortin (DCX) and the homologous gene in mouse encode a putative Ca2+-dependent signaling protein which is mutated in human X-linked neuronal migration defects.,
, Human molecular genetics, 1998 Aug, Volume 7, Issue 8, p.1327-32, (1998)
Angelman syndrome: correlations between epilepsy phenotypes and genotypes.,
, Annals of neurology, 1998 Apr, Volume 43, Issue 4, p.485-93, (1998)
Cortical reflex myoclonus in Rett syndrome.,
, Annals of neurology, 1998 Apr, Volume 43, Issue 4, p.472-9, (1998)
Antiepileptic drug-induced worsening of seizures in children.,
, Epilepsia, 1998, Volume 39 Suppl 3, p.S2-10, (1998)
Induction of partial seizures by visual stimulation. Clinical and electroencephalographic features and evoked potential studies.,
, Advances in neurology, 1998, Volume 75, p.159-78, (1998)